Review of Winter Wonderland, a Korean guest house in London

I’m going to write a photo diary, but it’s not easy to write down the European backpack diary, but it’s not easy to write down.But I think that I’m going to leave the building money, and I have talked about the Korean people who left the Korean people stay in London.Actually, I thought I went to the winter Wonderland of London, and Christmas market!Recently, I heard that my friends who go to London, and I’m going to try to try to try more memories.I remember that time I remember this timeThis time was the first trip, so I have to remember that day, but I’m really good memories!It was a lot of access to London, but it was a good access to the market, so I visited without hesitation!It was especially beautiful, so beautiful.This was my first trip to Europe, so there are more memorable things, but this night is a really good memory! It wasn’t far from the Korean guest house in London, and it was quite accessible, so I didn’t hesitate to visit the market! Especially since it’s Christmas season, it was really pretty.I didn’t see that people were crowded and not so crowded, and I think it’s better to see the atmosphere.At this time, I enjoyed with friends, but most of my friends, but most of the first time I felt strange that the atmosphere itself.The scenery that I saw the scenery in the movie, I felt like it was in the movie.And I like to go to the market, but I think this atmosphere was very good at the marketI can’t stay at London, and I can stay more comfortable.I think that I’ll see that I’m going to go to travel, but if it’s wrong.In reverse, the other way, the synergy effect is not to see more effective, and space will be able to face the rest of the storage!I felt so many people here.But I thought that I had to leave it after I had to leave it after I had to leave it.It was a lot of people and comfortable memories, so I was a lot of happiness, and I was happy memories of the time, and I was happy memories of the guest room.There are several branches, but I spent in the premium store.I’m glad to ask you to ask you to make a better inn, and I recommend that I’m better than average.If you stay in the dorm, there are some other guests..But if you go to various places, I know that the British gentleman’s guest house is very good..I tried to make a lot of guests who were looking for a lot of experience and I had a lot of experience.In other rooms, most of the staff members are cleaning the dorm, but this is clean up at the only specialized local cleaning industry in EnglandI only thought it was really good.If you go to Europe, I’ll see the guest house!Don’t expect to be clean.I’m going to consider that there are some problems such as mites, but I was very good.I saw that the view of white British cleaning industry, and I thought that I saw that I was going to clean up to the white British cleaning business!It was especially easy to introduce the inn that part of this part.Personalally, because of the subway station and I was good at 10 seconds before walking.When you think about going home and go back to the inn, when you think about going to go back to the inn?I think that I think I’m going to go to the subway, and I think that I’m sure that I’m sure that I think it’s going to see it’s very well.I felt a lot of positive!I was going back to the market, but I could come back to the time, but I could be really comfortable!I’m near the station, so I can’t look around the station, so I can’t look around the cafe.It is not a convenience store, so that there are no supermarket, so that you must decide to buy routes before you enter a hotel before you enter a hotel?And everyone in the guest room, so I was very fond of the hotel, and I was helping to enjoy the market!I felt that I was going to go ahead and I was going to get a little bit of the way.But there are different from people who experienced.Many people can enjoy it, but I can enjoy food. How much better you know how to eat itAnd everyone in the guest house loved it so much that I got a lot of help when I went to enjoy the market! A person who had been there once before guided me, and everyone rushed in.But it’s different because there are people who have experienced it. There are many things that are easier and more enjoyable, but you should know in advance which one is better and choose food tooHow did you play here?I was playing with you, and I slept and I was crazy, but I thought I thought I was awake to see the next day.Roller skating?I was able to ride this, so I got to ride a different place since I was so young, but I was glad to be able to get it.(Wawland is operating only one month!!–) What’s next morning, how do you feel like this pain?I thoughtI returned to the Korean people’s stay back to London, so I was a new house, so I was able to enjoy a little facility.And I see that only two shower rooms in London, and see you can see it in London!I told me, but there was four shower room, and there were four shower room.The other place is two places, but I think it’s not a shower room, but I think it’s very comfortable to wash the room.I can enjoy the suitcase in the room, and it is better to be able to spend a meal and enjoy dinner.Most of the time, there are many cases where you can’t eat it at six-7, but I could eat it easy to eat it.Another special thing that I wasop, Joe Mater loans, Joe Mazone, Dai, Dai, Dai-san!Is there a air wrap in the kitchen, and can I use this price?I think that I thought that I was so happy to spend something better to spend something comfortableI can enjoy the suitcase in the room, and it is better to be able to spend a meal and enjoy dinner.Most of the time, there are many cases where you can’t eat it at six-7, but I could eat it easy to eat it.Another special thing that I wasop, Joe Mater loans, Joe Mazone, Dai, Dai, Dai-san!Is there a air wrap in the kitchen, and can I use this price?I think that I thought that I was so happy to spend something better to spend something comfortablePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next imageHere’s the previous image. 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